Recomendations for Volunteer Work
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The recommendations given on this page are solely for the La Tolita region, because there is not considered to be good touristic possibilities in Bunche. For the development of tourism in La Tolita finances are required. I propose to gain finances in the following manner.

1. Survey tourists that visit La Tolita of what facilities they would like. This needs a survey to be made up in english and spanish with relevent questions.

2. Develop a plan and rough cost of facilities most desired for the area.

3. Approach ecotourism organisations in ecuador and across the world for financing.

4. Work together with the community to achieve these plans. (It must be confirmed that the whole community wants more tourism there).

This plan should enable the local people of La Tolita to gain more work and hopefully education about their surrounding environment.


Possible Questionaire

How long was your stay in La Tolita?

□ 1-2hrs

□ ½ day

□ full day

□ 2 days

□ >2 days

What did you visit?

□ Museum

□ Beach

□ Mangroves

□ La Selva

□ Island

What did you like the most? (number 1-5 (1 is the best))

□ Museum

□ Beach

□ Mangroves

□ La Selva

□ Island

Would you be prepared to pay $1-2 entry to the museum if building/lighting was improved and written information given?

□ yes

□ no




What is your preferred way to visit the reserves?

□ with a boardwalk for easy access

□ off track for more adventure

□ bit of both

Would you consider spending a night in accommodation situated close to the La Tolita beach?

□ yes

□ no

What type of accommodation would you prefer?

□ Accomodation with full facilities inc. running water

□ Inexpensive bunkstyle or cabin accomodation

At the beach what facilities would you use?


□ volleyball court

□ deckchairs

□ football field

□ restuarant

□ other …………

What activities do you like?

□ fishing

□ swimming

□ canoeing

□ Other ………

Other suggestions for improvement of tourist attractions and facilities in La Tolita





  Edit a custom page for your Web site: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

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  Edit a custom page for your Web site: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

Your custom image
  Edit a custom page for your Web site: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.

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